Every day I receive emails asking be how to get rid of stuff, especially reclaimed wood, golf balls and quite a few others. Of course local charities, thrift shops, Salvation Army and Goodwill will be happy to take your used household goods and materials to resell. You do have alternatives to not only give your stuff away but to also get free stuff.
Free Giving Away Sites and A Few To Sell.
- Craigslist.com
- Yingyango– Free giving away site
- Giving Away- Free site to post things to giveaway
- Freecycle Free to join, ask or give away anything, but mainly household goods.
- Free Sharing-Groups that free recycle objects they don’t want
- ecycler – Site for giving away your recyclable materials, you can also find recyclable materials as well. You can make money as well as lower trash bills (if you are on the pay to throw program)
- Recycle Bank- check with local city, recycle and earn points towards a variety of gifts.
- Call2 Recycle- Electronic recycling with over 30,000 drop offs in the USA
- Gigoit- Garbage In and Garbage Out- US, Canada and UK. A search box locates reusable items people are giving aways. Can list your own items
- Throw Place-Throwplace.com® is a Web site where global users may list goods they wish to give away to others. Charities, Businesses or Individuals registered with Throwplace.com® are able to search the site and make requests for items of interest. Items listed on Throwplace are not for sale—they are to be donated.
- Selling Bin– Network of recyclers who might buy back your old stuff.
- Take My Mac– Buys back your old mac or apple device
- Reuse Market – All sorts of household good, art supplies, office supplies and more.
Building Materials- Used and New, Salvage and Reclaimed
If you have old barns and structures and remodeling materials you want to either sell or give away. The first I would go to is click your state link on this site left sidebar. Each State has a Reclaimed wood/ Salvage listing. Each state also has a Habitat or a Restore listing in which you can find or donate any new and used building materials.
- All Scrap–All-Scrap.com is an innovative marketplace website aimed at recycling companies, recycling equipment manufacturers, waste companies, and other businesses around the world associated with the recycling industry.
- American Builders Surplus-Buy and Sell usable building materials on website for Free
- Builder2Builder-Online listing of Building Materials, Appliances, Dirt, Furniture, Equipment, Tools and more
- Build. Recyle-Brick and Block Exchange
- California Materials Exchange (CALMAX)-Free online materials exchange
- Construction Weblinks:-Listing of Builders Exchanges
- Green Sage-Find and sell your salvage materials
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency -Material Exchange Program
- Indiana Materials Exchange:0Lists of Available and Wanted materials
- Industrial Materials Exchange-Matches waste generators with waste users
- 13 International and National Materials Exchanges-Provides information on markets for buying and selling reusable and recyclable commodities.
- Jobsite Recycle-Buys and sells jobsite debris in Northern California
- LACoMax (Los Angeles)-LACoMAX is a free service designed to help residents, businesses, and organizations in Los Angeles County find markets for their industrial by-products, surplus materials, and other would-be discards. You can learn more about LACoMAX, get help using LACoMAX, or startbrowsing listings right away.
- MarinMax (Marin County, California-MarinMax is a free materials exchange website, which will allow you to swap, barter or exchange items that you no longer need or acquire goods someone else is trying to get off of their hands. Whichever way you use this site, you will be participating in a reuse program and conserving natural resources by preventing useful items from being disposed of and taking up valuable landfill space. MarinMax is designed for use by businesses, non-profits and individuals within Marin County. The goal of this site is to divert waste from landfills, build partnerships within the community, and provide an environmentally sustainable marketplace.
- NapaMax (Northern California)-NapaMax is a materials exchange program. It is a free online resource enabling you to gain needed materials or to discard any unnecessary or unwanted materials. NapaMax’s purpose is to conserve energy, resources and landfill space by providing you with an easy alternative. This alternative involves simply logging in to the NapaMax website and creating a “wanted” or “available” listing.NapaMax is available to many organizations such as non-profit, businesses, schools, and more. If you have something you want to get rid of, there is a good chance someone on the NapaMax website wants it. These products can range from construction equipment, to firewood, to glass, to old furniture, etc. If you have something you want to get rid of and you don’t want it filling up landfill space, put it on the NapaMax website and see if someone else will gladly take it off your hands.
- Planet Reuse – Matches Interior Designers, Construction and owners with Reclaimed building materials
- Recycler’s World-Material Exchange Directory – Great Website
- Real Life Hardwood- reclaimed wood flooring
- Salvo Web:=Buy and Sell Salvaged Materials, Directory and Articles on Salvage Good- Sells products made from reclaimed goods. Great Website
- Salvage Web: (salvageweb.com) site not working-Links buyers and sellers of Architectural Salvage – Free
- State Materials Exchange-Listing of All states with material exchanges from the EPA
- Stick Trade-Reclaimed timber, recycled lumber and antique flooring exchange. Buy and sell your reusable wood.
- The Madison Stuff Exchange– Madison, Wisconsin-The Madison Stuff exchange web site, provides area residents and businesses with a convenient way to exchange, re-use, or sell items they no longer need or want
- The Wood Exchange-Buy or sell, barn board, reclaimed wood, pallets
- Twin Cities Free Market (Minneapolis/St. Paul-The Free Market is a listing service for residents who want to give or get free reusable goods for the home, garage and garden.
- Wood World-Used and Reusable Lumber Exchange
- Used Equipment Network -Listing of industrial, commercial and professional equipment
- VDumpster– State Listing-Dumpster divers from all over the USA are now able to have a significant effect on unnecessary landfill by encouraging the use of virtual dumpsters to recycle and reuse their unwanted items. The idea is simple – Instead of using a real dumpster you create a virtual dumpster (a “vDumpster”) and upload your items for other people to search and claim. vDumpsters is completely FREE to use, so you can protect the environment and save money at the same time
More Resources
CHeck out COntractorAssets.com for free lisitngs on Reclaime items.
Selling selvaged materials from a school built in 1915.
Thousands of brick, doors, window, desk, structural steel, theater seats, lights and more lots more.
Take a peak at the gallery pics at wardecke.com
Demolition begins march this year and will continue till there is vacant land.
If you see something you like, contact email and ph# on the site.