I so rarely waste food scrapes, but know many people who throw away so much food! What I usually do with banana peels, onion skins and the like is just throw them in a hole in the ground, cover with dirt and wait for composting. Now I am at a point, where there is no more yard! In researching composting, I came across this interesting company called Bokashicycle.
Bokashicycle has an interesting product – it is a system of fermenting food scraps within 10 days. Bokashi Cyclette System seems very simple to use. They provide 2 efficient anaerobic fermenters to use in your kitchen with a starter supply of Bokashi culture mix. Your scraps become valuable nutrients for your plants. Ferment your food scraps – save the world.
How You Can Save Money
1.) Less Trash
2.) No need to purchase garden supplements
3.) Less Landfill means less taxpayer cost.
Cost is $84.99-