Being a fan of FREE STUFF, thought I would investigate another material that is free for the taking. Cardboard. Every store has cardboard, plus, on craigslist there are about 10 listing a day for moving boxes. So how can you make money with this free material? With a little time/transportation, and creativity you too can utilize these free materials to make money.
I Just Gotta Tell Ya
- Paper and cardboard account for 41% of all municipal solid waste.
- Recycling 1 Ton of Cardboard saves 682 Gallons of oil
- Recycling 1 Ton of Cardboard saves 7,000 Gallons of water
- Recycling 1 Ton of Cardboard saves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space
- Recycling 1 Ton of Cardboard save about 17 trees
- Recycled cardboard requires 645 less energy than make cardboard from virgin wood pulp
Before I started writing this, I didn’t realize how many companies and people make furniture from Cardboard, All starting with Frank Gehry Cardboard Collection .
Art: Cardboard Art
Bicycle: by Chris Gilmore
Bloxes: Building Blocks of interlocking pieces
Cartonnistes DIY Cardboard Furniture
Fed Ex Furniture
Purses/Laptop Cases
Art: Chris Gilman replica of Aston Martin
Making Money by Recycling
- Recycleinme:
- Money by Reselling Moving Boxes
- Used Cardboard Boxes
- Box Quest:
- Rim Junkyard
- Evergreen Paper Recycling: FT Worth, TX
- Yahoo Answers
Cardboard Art
More Ideas:
- Crazy Cardboard, with chairs, dollhouses, furniture and more
- How to Design Your Own Furniture
- How to Make Cardboard Furniture:
- Make Your own Cardboard Furniture For Kids
- How to Make A Purse
- How to Make a Cigar Box Purse
- How to Make a Duct Tape/Cardboard Purse
this is a great article… also a lot of people cant find recycling center that accept neuspaper, egg carton, dairy cartons, and micellaneous plasic.
I had to search online a lot, or city didnt have curbside, and only one center near my are accepted all that.
but sometimes peope get discoraged and give up.. that could be a nice article…
c ya!!
Your blog is interesting!
Keep up the good work!