This blog has changed and will continue to change. I started this blog when trying to remodel my house in a sustainable way back in 2008. While investigating, I realized there was too much time spend trying to find eco friendly products locally as well as nationwide.
As with most things, the blog evolved. It started with building materials, to litter and trash to reduce and reuse and trying to achieve zero waste. When I moved back to the beach started picking up beach trash, the blog became more focussed on Ocean Conservations and marine debris.
After several years, I got so depressed and angry about the way people were treating the beach and the ocean, I had to take a break and get away from blogging. It was effecting my relationships with family and friends. Not good to be angry.
Plus, I had to make money. With a partner, we started several blogs in an industry that we both knew. Focussing on two blogs, where we had advertisers and income paid the bills. They are now off to another person who cares about that industry and now I can focus on a true passion, ocean conservation.
With all of that said, I am back and while writing primarily about the ocean, I will continue with Reduce, Reuse and Recycle themes as well as anything else that interests me.
Please feel free to send any appropriate information my way