Who knows and sees the effects of pollution and global warming more than the outdoor sports enthusiast. Now ASEC (asecaction.org) the Action Sports Environmental Coalition has formed a group of members, including athletes and companies to come together to reduce environmental impacts and find ways to educate the world about the dangers of global warming and the need for social responsibility.
The Green Factor
- Promote youth education
- Rally the Action Sports Industry to get involved in becoming more eco friendly.
- Bob Burnquist Global Cooling Challenge- established greenhouse nurseries and organic research gardens at schools, the goal is to build 2000 middle and high schools in the US that install Outdoor Science Classrooms.
- Good Wood For the Hood- so so as donated three skate parks in Compton and South Central Los Angeles. The ramps are built from sustainable and recycled materials donated from the X Games. Partners have included Stonyfield Farm, Clif Bar, White Wave Foods, Whole Foods
- Works with MBCD (environmental design group toward the implementation of Cradle to Cradle design.
- Created A Roll Anything Day
If you are an sport enthusiast, support the companies that support the environment. Fo
Ola, meu nome é Terezinha de Sousa, sou coordenadora de educação ambiental da ONG – Fundação Pro-defesa Ambiental de Lavras, no sul de Minas Gerais. Gostaria de saber mais informaçãoes sobre projetos que a ASEC apoia no Brasil nas questões ambientais.
Nossa instituição foi fundada em novembro de 1992 e tem como objetivo principal apoiar e desenvolver projetos socioambientais ligados ao esporte, cultural e educação buscando sempre o envolvimento da população onde esta inserida.
Aguardo um retorno da ASEC para possivel parceria em projetos aqui no sul de minas.
Desde ja agradeço e me coloco a disposição.
Saudações ecológicas e muita paz!!!
Terezinha de Sousa