Over the month, I have put many calls out to our community to pick up trash as they walk along the beach. During this time rain, waves, record high and low tides, sand shifting, it is not uncommon to pick up 150 bottle caps, 130 toys in a mile stretch of beach. That along with tiny scraps of paper, food wrappers, packaging and styrofoam make a disgusting look at our society and the lack of consideration for mother nature.
I watch people just walk by broken glass, beach toys, bottles and bottle caps, many are picking up shells and have a container… I don’t understand why they don’t pick up a food wrapper along with this.
There are thousands of litter campaigns around the world. Some are local based asking people to pick up 1 to 10 pieces of litter per day. Others encourage you to go zero waste, skip straws and plastic free.
No matter if you want to formally join a campaign or a beach clean up, go zero waste or reduce your plastic consumption, to be a good steward of the land and ocean, try picking up at least 1 piece of litter per day or at least litter around your home.
It is good exercise. Walking, bending, carrying builds strength. This becomes easier if you are on a 10,000 steps a day plan. Wear gloves, take a grabber and you are off.
One does not have to be a part of a formal clean up.. all one has to do is is take a container, walk and pick up a few pieces of trash. It is easy to do and harder work than you think.
If everyone picked up something, whether 1 or 10 pieces of trash, our beaches and streets would be a better place. If you make this a habit, your overall habits will most likely change. You will think differently about plastic in general, plastic bags, plastic bottles, beach toys, take out food, styrofoam and straws.
Guess what, it doesn’t take long to do.
If you want to track your trash, I use both the Marine Debris Tracker app and the Ocean Conservatory app (Clean Swell) If you are a diver use the Dive Against Debris from Project Aware.
Sites such as Heal the Bay (Los Angeles, California) have an accrued litter count… nice to know what you what you are a part of .
You don’t have to hashtag, social media anything. But it does help if you want to bring an awareness to the amount of trash in your neighborhood.
A few campaigns
- Zero Litter Campaign by NOAA
- UN Environment Clean Seas
- Trash Free Seas
- Take 3 For the Seas
- Keep Miami Beach Clean
- Pick up 3 Pieces: Founded in 2013 (UK) The international campaign urges people to pick up 3 pieces of trash
- Litter Project : pick up one piece of litter per day
- Pick up 10 Pieces Tuesday. The campaign urges people to pick up 10 pieces of trash on Tuesdays
Every Litter Bit Helps and every time you pick up litter, you may inspire others to do the same.