Have you ever thought about where the money comes from when you go to a recycling center to get cash for your cans and bottles?
When debt is built up, the money to compensate for that has to be found somewhere. Well the state of California has found where to do such thing. The state is taking back the $480 million it gave to the Beverage Container Recycling fund to covers its bills. Or they call it a “loan”. This is not the first time this has happened. Since 2003, more than $560 million has been transferred from the recycling fund into the general fund. All as “loans” that are supposed to be paid back.
The money that has been taken from the recycling funds goes towards paying people who return empty bottles and covers the costs of collecting and sorting containers. The money give back to people at recycling centers differs from place to place but it is based on cents per pound. Without these funds, the processing fees for beverage manufactures increases.
Article submitted by Nicole.
borrowing from one fund to pay the overspending and irresponsible financial planning happens all the time. For example, the money from the Social Security Fund has long been spent as it was replaced by an “IOU”. No more funds in the SS “Fund”. Or the lottery proceeds from the future were already borrowed against as well. This country will have no other way out but to take the medicine and experience a Great Depression 2.0.
I’m not a bear. I’m not a bull. I’m a realist.
I wonder what it will take to make the handling of recycled material more cost effective than creating new products.
Also – is there any information available on the increase in recycling due to the funding given to people? I personally don’t care about getting paid for it – I just want it not to be wasted and thrown away.
That is why I am part of The Poison Bottle Company – a reusable stainless steel bottle that gets people talking.
Being able to reduce would help. If people could personalize a beverage bottle, less would be wasted and less bottles would land in the landfill. The govt needs to get a handle on their recycling fund, but being convenient consumables will probably never go away, it would be better if we could personalize them so to lessen the waste.
Check it out! Personalize upon purchase.