…But old energy-hogging refrigerators and freezers qualify for recycling and cash from more than 60 utilities across the nation. And the federal government is making money available to states so consumers could get rebates of $50 to $200 for new, more energy-efficient appliances later this year in a so-called “cash for appliances” program.
Combined, the appliance initiatives have a goal similar to the cash-for-clunker program for autos: They get less-efficient appliances off the nation’s energy grid in favor of newer efficient ones.
The government’s rebate program, in which the Department of Energy is providing states with $300 million approved earlier this year as part of President Obama‘s $787 billion stimulus plan, serves another goal similar to the cash-for-clunker program: It’s designed to boost the economy.
“These rebates will help families make the transition to more efficient appliances, making purchases that will directly stimulate the economy and create jobs,” Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in announcing the rebate program earlier this summer. Read the full Story from USA Today
I think the cash offer paid to a person (replacing their appliance) to have the old appliances hauled away and actually recycled is important. It is even more incentive to get rid of the old appliance and assures that they do not end up in a landfill.Jean