Beach trash walking for me is usually around 4 am. I try to get there before the screeners to pick up the towels, clothing and toys left behind. … [Read more...] about Moon Snail Egg Sand ‘Collars’
Moon Snail Egg Sand ‘Collars’

Saving Our Oceans From Plastic
by Cathy
Beach trash walking for me is usually around 4 am. I try to get there before the screeners to pick up the towels, clothing and toys left behind. … [Read more...] about Moon Snail Egg Sand ‘Collars’
by Cathy
Every country has environmental issues. Some put in place enforceable regulations, others attempt to put in regulations. I am sure that many have … [Read more...] about Eagles Dying of Lead Poisoning In the USA
by Cathy
One of my dreams is to see Manatees. For some reason these giant sea creatures are just so cool. In the United States one is most likely to see them … [Read more...] about November Is Manatee Awareness Month
by Cathy
This year’s World Migratory Bird Day is dedicated to highlighting the problem of pollution with the theme, ‘Protect Birds: Be the Solution to Plastic … [Read more...] about Migratory Bird Day is October 12
by Cathy
You have probably heard all the news about turtles and marine debris, turtles eating straws, turtles being caught in gill nets, turtles eating … [Read more...] about Happy World Turtle Day Today May 23