I had to laugh when I read this article from BlissTree about Eco Friendly Diet Coke, because I too am addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. On my path to zero waste, diet sodas have been the hardest to give up. Blisstree staff has the same problem so they bought the Sodastream to make their own diet coke and the below is part their evaluation:
When we found out about Sodastream’s home soda makers, we almost jumped out of our seats. Overreaction, you say? Allow us to explain: You see, some of has have a serious Diet Coke problem. Try as we might to get off the bottle, some of us just love our Diet Coke. It’s a difficult cross to bear: Aside from its horrible reputation among nutritionists and doctors, it’s also pretty bad for the environment, and corporate watch groups love to hate on Coca-Cola. But our addiction to the fizzy, caffeinated thirst-quencher goes on; blind to the piles of plastic bottles and cans in landfills.
Here’s where Sodastream comes in. Sodastream makes machines that let you carbonate your own water at home – and make sodas with it. The machines come with their own reusable bottles, so you can say goodbye to single-use cans and bottles forevermore. It also seems to be pretty cost-effective; Sodastream calculates that each bottle of sparkling water costs about 25 cents, after your initial investment.
We got our own Sodastream to investigate this eco-friendly, homemade Diet Coke thing, and this is what we found:
Read the full story at Blisstree
Why It’s Eco Friendly:
- No plastic bottles- saving non-biodegradable plastics out of landfills.- Reuse the bottle that comes with the soda.
- Less trips to store- saves gas, energy and time
- Less wasted soda- make just what you need.
The ultimate of course is to stop all canned and bottled drinks and drink tap water- a goal in my life. Meanwhile if you are addicted as some of us are, try this Soda Stream and make your own.
Yeah, it’s good, very useful, thanks 🙂