Oxi Fresh is Providing an Eco-Friendly Alternative for Carpet Cleaning
We all know that cleaning products can contain chemicals that can be toxic for the environment as well as for us. An eco friendly option for carpet cleaning is Oxi Fresh.
Personally, this is a better option for me because as someone with allergies, anything that helps to reduce my running nose is my number one choice. I know for a lot of people they are also sensitive to cleaning products and the chemical smell that comes along with them. With Oxi Fresh, they use non-toxic solutions, so it decreases those toxins in the area. And let’s face it; no one likes that gross chemical smell in their home. Another thing that is nice about this option is their fast one hour dry time. This way you are not alienated from your home all day.
Oxi Fresh touches on a couple different eco friendly topics: water and chemicals. While doing research for this topic, I learned how stream cleaners worked. Normally, truck mounted carpet cleaning systems are used. This means that the machine is attached to a truck outside, and therefore that vehicle outside is left running during the entire job in order to power the machine. We all know what the result of that is: excessive pollution. With Oxi Fresh, they have portable carpet cleaning machines so the truck isn’t running while your home is being cleaned. By using a portable machine, only 2 gallons of water are used compared to 40 gallons from a steam cleaner. This product also uses low Volatile Organic Compounds. Basically, VOC’s release organic compounds into the air and are not acutely toxic. The result: better indoor air quality.
Submitted by Guest Blogger Nicole
Sounds like a good cleaning method but why settle for “low” VOC’s when you can use a product with no VOC’s?
Is non toxic, pleasant smelling, works within one week of use. Air Cleaners Purifiers Wholesale
Thanks for the recommendation. I would be interested to see the ingredients. One of my pet peeves is when a huge corporation (or anyone for that matter) advertises as eco-friendly only to find not so non-toxic ingredients listed.
As far as the carpet cleaning machine, I have never had a good experience with a professional carpet cleaning company. (And yes, leaving the vehicle running is not good!) I’ve tried multiple carpet cleaner professionals and they are in and out in 30 mins, not to mention the carpet never looks as good as if I do it myself. I am a big fan of the Rug Doctor!
Radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.
Sounds like a good cleaning method but why settle for “low” VOC’s when you can use a product with no VOC’s?
Thanks for the recommendation. I would be interested to see the ingredients. One of my pet peeves is when a huge corporation (or anyone for that matter) advertises as eco-friendly only to find not so non-toxic ingredients listed.
As far as the carpet cleaning machine, I have never had a good experience with a professional carpet cleaning company. (And yes, leaving the vehicle running is not good!) I’ve tried multiple carpet cleaner professionals and they are in and out in 30 mins, not to mention the carpet never looks as good as if I do it myself. I am a big fan of the Rug Doctor!
Radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.
The Amyloidosis Foundation estimates that approximately 3,000 people are diagnosed with amyloidosis each year in North America and that blood cancers overall have increased more than 40% in the last decade.
Check out Green Carpet Clean at http://www.greencarpetclean.com. They explain the health benefits and advantages of green residential and commercial cleaning. Good website!
You might find carpet cleaners in San Diego and some other places who use very powerful and effective techniques like hot water extraction, deep steam cleaning, fast flush rinse and fast dry using specialized machines like hot water truck mount. After the cleaning you will find that there is no residue or odor. When free you can fix an appointment with these cleaning companies and you can discuss the work schedule and the estimate as well. After your discussion with the cleaning company and after you get the quotation from them you can fix up an appointment and register a cleaning session which will suit your convenience so that it will not obstruct with your normal work life. Generally these carpet cleaning companies have an insurance cover and give you a guarantee on their work.
It would be nice to be able to truly clean our sanctuaries (our homes) without the use of a very powerful machine that runs from the truck, on gas, but……. that is what it takes to leave carpets truly clean & residue free. Isn’t that what we want achieved when we get our carpets cleaned? Flushing & Rinsing the soil away, the pet urine, the vomit, the spills, blood, bacteria, dust mites feces and on & on & on!
Remember that water is boiling hot, we run at 240 degrees, it takes hot water when you want to strip away oils, bacteria, and kill fleas & dust mites in our path!
You would have us believe that opting for an inferior method of cleaning – Dry Carpet Cleaning is better. Yet, it leaves the chemical residues behind because it cleans with chemicals, it has zero to very little extraction capabilities and that dog pee and other stuff just isn’t going anywhere! There is no heat so you rely on chemical cleaning and that is not want we want in our Sanctuaries regardless of how safe you claim these chemicals are. The amount of residues are tremendous!They go airborne & we get to breathe them in a place we try to get away from all of that.
The fact is that the Dry Cleaning method costs very little to get into & it’s much easier for the operator. The fact is that truckmounted steam cleaning equipment is very costly and requires intense labor to operate. So who is the stupid one here? Why would a carpet cleaning business person buy the most expensive & most labor intensive???
Could it be for higher cleaning standards for the consumer? Could it be that they know something you don’t yet? Doesn’t washing your hair make more sense than cleaning it with some spray on chemicals & scrubbing it into your hair & then poof, you’re done.
Trust me! For the sake of human hygene & a cleaner sanctuary, you can cut out one trip to starbucks and conserve that gas the Truck Mount steam clean unit used just to ensure no extra pollution was spewed into the air.
Today’s truckmount steam cleaning in 2011 is much better. we for example leave no chemical residues behind, we don’t run chemicals through our system, we flush & rinse, and we leave you dry to the touch by the time we leave. Common sense people – use it.