I just Gotta Tell Ya
- EWG’s Sunscreen Investigation found that of nearly 1,000 name- brand sunscreens, only 1 of 5 provided adequate protection from both UVA & UVB radiation with few ingredients linked to known or suspected health hazards.
- After 30 years of delay, the government has failed to set mandatory, comprehensive sunscreen safety standards to protect consumers’ health. In August 2007 FDA proposed first-ever UVA standards for sunscreen, but the rules are not yet final. In the meantime, companies are making misleading claims about product quality, and ineffective products crowd store shelves
Eco Sun Screen Product Reviews
- Grist Mill Review of 7 Eco Sunscreens
- Environmental Working Group List of Top 10 Sunscreens
1. Blue Lizard (anything without oxybenzone)
2. California Baby (anything with SPF 30+)
3. CVS with zinc oxide
4. Jason Natural Cosmetics Sunbrellas Mineral Based Sunblock
5. Kiss My Face “Paraben Free” series
6. Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunblock
7. Olay Defense Daily UV Moisturizer (with zinc)
8. SkinCeuticals Physical UV Defense
9. Solar Sense Clear Zinc for Face
10. Walgreens Zinc Oxide for Face, Nose, & Ears
Or Try Theses
From Exclusively Green Market-
- 3 oz. WeatherShield SPF30
- (3oz) TerraSport SPF 30 environmental sunscreen
- UV Natural Sunscreen $14.95 Chemical-Free Sunscreen – Ranked by EWG
- UV Natural Baby Sunscreen -about $15.95