I just grabbed a copy of the new Naughty/Nice Report on the environmental practices of the junk mail industry produced by ForestEthics, and I hope you’ll check it out, too. The report covers which companies have been protecting Endangered Forests, have been using recycled content, have used sustainable sourcing, and have reduced their paper use.
When you make your shopping list list year, keep in mind who’s naughty or nice: http://www.donotmail.org/scorecard08
Forest Ethics Report
I wanted to send Geico one of those letters online from that http://www.donotmail.org web site, but it just lead me to the ethically challenged salsa.democracyinaction.org site, which would not let me send unless I bent over and enabled JavaScript.
Apparently this web site’s real purpose is not to stop junk mail, but to track its users and build a database on them.