If you are tired of seeing the same old recycle symbols- or want to dress up your recycling bins for home, office, school, garage, the kids room, Take a look at Recycle Bin Sticker- with lots of fun, artistic recycling stickers. Their aim is to make recycling beautiful! I would have to agree- you have to look at the full collection of artistic Recycling decals.
They offer Animals, Electonics, Flags, Hands (above) Hip Hop, Nouveau Recyclism, Science, Shapes, Trees, Unity and World Stickers. Decals cost about $6.32 and measure 9″x8″
There is a whole bunch more- and you can buy T-shirts to match as well.
I think they are cool, fun, different and add a little pizazz to to recycling bins.
Lydelle says
These are wonderful! They are attention grabbing, fun to look at, and thus may be the stray that breaks the camel’s back and encourages folks to be more active in doing their part and actually recycling.
I’ve recently come across some places that do stuff like this as well as for waste labels, and caution decals.