I had received an email from Gary Jones requesting how I determined ‘Certified Green Printers.’ The list of Green printers came from FSC Certified List- which incorporates a chain of custody in green printing.
Here is Gary’s Response: Thank you Gary for giving me an update.
‘Thanks for the response on how you are defining green printers. In examining the issue of sustainable green printing, it is important to realize that FSC Chain of Custody Certification by itself does not make a printer green. This is because the scope of the FSC program is limited to the source of the fiber that is used to make the paper. FSC does not address how the paper is manufactured or how it is printed.
The sustainable green printing partnership (www.sgppartnership.org) is a holistic certification program that focuses on the actual print manufacturing process. The standards include compliance with all relevant health, safety, environmental and employment regulations; development and maintenance of a Sustainability Management System; and conformance to a set of clearly identified best management practices.’
I am all for green sustainability, i recently came across this bank e3 bank who is all about sustainability. they actually offer interest rate reductions for investing in green products. I am just trying to get the word out about a company i truely believe in, check them out and see what you think. http://www.e3bank.com
It is also important to note that both the FSC and SGPP certifications can cost printers thousands of dollars depending on their size and complexity of the operation. There are some small print shops that adhere to all the criteria and protocol needed for these certifications (and many times go above and beyond), but simply cannot afford the official document.
I believe a consumer should really investigate the commercial printers in their area because there could be a mom & pop print shop right down the street that is a “green” printer without the certification. And really, sustainable printing is all about supporting our planet and our individual communities as well.