Green- Eco Blogs and resources for the state of Maryland and Washington DC, plus listing for state and local resources to live green, save money.
Green-Sustainable Blogs in Maryland/ Washington DC
- Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay he Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is a regional nonprofit organization that builds and fosters partnerships to protect and to restore the Bay and its rivers. The Alliance does not lobby or litigate. Instead, we do the slow, hard work of bridging dialogue between groups that don’t see eye-to-eye, forming strategies for joint solutions, and building the capacity of communities for local-level action
- Act Green (Leaque of Conservation Voters)
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- Chesapeake Sustainable Business Alliance We envision a sustainable global economy as a network of Local Living Economies, building long-term economic empowerment and prosperity in communities through local business ownership, economic justice, cultural diversity and a healthy natural environment. Independent businesses create wealth by engaging local people in the production, marketing, and consumption of goods, they pay taxes, and reinvest in our communities.
- Chesapeake Ecology Center non-profit Center is dedicated to promoting and educating the public about community greening and conservation landscaping practices for the Chesapeake Bay watershed that result in a healthier and more beautiful environment benefiting residents and the region’s biological diversity
- E-Cruzers Green” transportation company featuring GEM (Global Electric Motorcar) e6s electric carts. These vehicles, manufactured by Chrysler in Fargo, ND, have a top speed of 25 mph, produce “zero” emissions and run almost silent. All of our carts, which are licensed, registered and insured are street legal on all roads where the speed limit is 35 mph or less. Coupling all of that with a unique NASA space age design and a sunroof makes our cruzers…co
- Eco Friendly Driver
- Eco Green Living – (Retail Store )
- Eco-Spirit- (MD)
- Going Green DC There’s plenty afoot on the DC green scene and this is where you can read all about it. Events, eateries, eco-friendly businesses, projects, initiatives, and much more. If it’s related to green-ness in and around DC, it’ll be here (and if it’s not, shoot me an email and I’ll try to add it).
- Greenline; Our mission is to collect and share news and information on building technology, strategies, and products both within our office and with consultants, clients and future building occupants. We believe that education is fundamental to good design work, and so we have designed this blog as a resource to learn, explore and share topics such as high performance building, sustainable design, innovative products, health and productivity in buildings, and design aesthetics.
- I love Gardens
- It Pays to Live Green Pays to Live Green will focus on all of my interests including: finance and finding bargains, the environment, alternative sources of energy, organic and sustainable products, nutrition and technology. A major aspect of this blog will be to focus on different ways you can save money by going “green”. One of the major concerns with the new “green” movement is the expenses involved with it. I want to show you ways to save money, whether it be immediately or in the long-run, on products and services that can help preserve our planet. Going “green” does not mean that you have to completely alter your lifestyle or sacrifice things just to make a difference. As I have found out, not everything is going to work for you. All I ask is to bring an open mind.
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources
- Maryland Energy & Sustain-ability Co-op website (
- Maryland Forest Association
- Maryland Pesticide Network A grassroots coalition of organizations in Maryland dedicated to protecting the public and the environment from toxic pesticides and promoting healthy alternatives. Founded in 1994, MPN’s diverse membership includes health care provider, consumer, environmental, parent, labor, agricultural and religious organizations.
- Organic Mania: I was motivated to start Organic Mania because I found that in order to make sense of my organic purchases, I had to do so much research, it was crazy! People suggested that I share my opinions and my research, and now here I am, blogging about i
- Our Cool House: his web site is all about our cool house at Deep Creek Lake (Mc Henry) in Garrett County, Maryland.
- The Green Blog My vision is to create a more sustainable world through promoting green building practices that support human and environmental health and vitality.”
- City Renewed- DC’s comprehensive Green Resource Guide
- Annapolis Green Our mission is to be THE place to get local information on how to Go Green and live an environmentally responsible life — easily — in the Annapolis area. We believe the way to accomplish this is for the community to participate.
- Green Drinks Annapolis
- Sustainable Annapolis ( of Annapolis program designed to gather input for the creation of a Community Action Plan that will address sustainability and climate issues confronting the city. Citizen input is being solicited to create a plan that best fits the community
- 3co Systems Green and Sustainable Advisory- Helps small businesses implement green and sustainable business practices.
- Baltimore Harbor WaterKeeper The mission of Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper is to protect and restore Baltimore Harbor and the greater Patapsco River and its tributaries through enforcement, fieldwork, and citizen action in order to make the river suitable for recreation, including fishing and swimming, to improve public health, and to improve the health of the river ecosystem.
- Baltimore Sun Green report on the environment and Chesapeake Bay. A native of West Virginia, I have focused mainly on Maryland’s environment since moving here in 1983. Along the way, I’ve crewed aboard a skipjack in the bay, canoed under city streets up the Jones Fall from the Inner Harbor, and gone deep underground in a western Maryland coal mine. Recently, I have been covering the growth and development transforming the landscape. I love seafood, rambles in the country and good stories.
- Cleaner Greener Baltimore
- Green City Baltimore his Blog is for you, members of the Baltimore community, to share and post your favorite website and blog links, suggestions, photos and ideas for improving our environment and ecology. Great Links on this site
- Green Student college students are an important target audience because the habits and world views that they establish today will provide them with the tools they need for their future. By informing students of up-to-date ecological concerns and providing the advice they need to tackle these concerns, Green Student U will help advance the green movement for both current and future generations.
- Terra Logos offers cost-effective solutions which will reduce energy bills and create healthier, more comfortable homes. An energy efficient, healthy home is more desirable, so performing energy improvements can potentially increase the value of a home. In addition, our package of services allows homeowners to take the first, easy steps toward reducing their personal impact on global warming.
- 18visiondesigns /8 Visions Design is located in Frederick, Maryland. The principal designer, Jason W. Feaga, who has been in the design and printing industry for over a decade, founded the company in 2004. We have a simple design philosophy, “vision — an image or concept in the imagination”. Our goal is to provide cost-competitive design services to the emerging needs of our customers. We have partnered with printers and web hosting companies to supply our clients a unique combination of reliability and value
- Stuff I Care About
Loundon County
- Greater Goods (Retail) Greater Goods is the labor of love of first cousins, Ayala Sherbow and Michal Rowse. Part “green” general store, part fair-trade art and craft gallery, we specialize in quality, earth-friendly goods for home, body, office and garden.
Montgomery County
South Maryland
- Capital Hiking Club
- Eco Coach- Dedicated to providing the best services and tools available to help our customers achieve lasting results which benefit them, the planet, and others involved
- Eco Green Living (Retail)
- Going Green DC There’s plenty afoot on the DC green scene and this is where you can read all about it. Events, eateries, eco-friendly businesses, projects, initiatives, and much more. If it’s related to green-ness in and around DC, it’ll be here
- Greater Goods (retail)
- Green DC Girl I am by no means an expert in anything yet- I think I’m too young to call myself an expert on anything at this point (except for perhaps eating good food). However, I love finding the answers to questions and I do hope to one day call myself an expert in something in the green realm (currently aiming for anything to do with greening China and ecosystem services). In the meantime- I thought I’d start a green blog.
- Sustainable Business Network of Washington
- The Daily Ground One DC resident’s adventure in eating locally and seasonally
- Green Piece Blog his blog is based out of Washington, DC. We try to feature simple tips and advice on integrating green living into your daily routine. There are also occasional news pieces related to the environment, as well as our own take on the government’s environmental policies.
- Calendula and Concrete– Organic Gardening on the edge of Dc
- Red Wattle Where a food lover’s taste buds and conscience meet. Through recipes, book reviews, and farm reviews I explore the world of eating locally from humanely treated animals by tracing every meal back to the farm
- Righteous ReStyle efforts to live a stylish, sustainable life in the Nation’s Capital, while fending off a Target habit. It’s also about things, people and places that might help YOU live a more stylish, sustainable life, too.
I’d like to add my blog to your excellent resource list. I am a green building and land use lawyer. My blog,, provides analysis of environmental laws and green building practices impacting the Maryland building and development communities.
Contact:, Elvia Thompson, 410 212-7280 or Jim Barthold, 410 263-4012
Regional consumer show about HOME, EARTH, YOU, THE BAY
at Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, June 19 & 20
Annapolis, Md., May 12, 2010 ̶ Showing how to live a Green, sustainable, and environmentally friendly life is the mission of the Chesapeake Green Living Festival, the first regional festival of its kind in this area. Eco-minded consumers in the Chesapeake region – including Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia – will explore what they can do to shift lifestyles toward sustainability, better health, and energy efficiency.
The festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 19 & 20, at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, just north of Annapolis, in Crownsville, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Tickets will cost $8 for adults, $5 for seniors and kids up to age 12-18. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult and active duty military with an ID will be admitted free. And, to celebrate Father’s Day, all dads will be admitted free when accompanied by their children on Sunday.
Through exhibits, how-to demonstrations, and presentations by featured speakers, The Chesapeake Green Living Festival will provide useful information in a fun, family oriented way that will help residents of the Chesapeake region make informed decisions and take action to lead more healthy lives with less impact on our local environment. This is the first large-scale, regional show that will focus on local environmental issues, local businesses and the work of local non-profit organizations.
There will be exhibitors and speakers in the following categories:
• Renewable Energy
• Green Building & Remodeling
• Green Home Products & Décor
• Sustainable Agriculture & Gardening
• Bay Restoration, Community Action & Advocacy
• Stormwater Solutions
• Sustainable Fishing & Crabbing
• Holistic Health and Wellness
• Beauty & Fashion • Eco-Arts & Crafts
• For Kids & Pets
• Green Careers & Education
• Banking & Socially Responsible Investing
• Healthy Food & Cooking
• Organic Wine & Beer Garden
• Green Tourism & Transportation
• Publications & Books
• Recreation
There will be plenty of activities for kids, the next generation of environmentalists. Food and drink will be available, including organic beer and wine. The Chesapeake Green Living Festival is about creating a marketplace where green commerce can increase the bottom line while healing the planet, and educated consumers can affordably incorporate Going Green into their daily lives. It’s about home, Earth, you, and The Bay.
The Festival is produced by City Dock Productions and Annapolis Green and sponsored by the RainScaping campaign, Ciminelli’s Landscape Services, and Kenergy Solar. Festival organizers welcome application by additional exhibitors. More information about the festival is available at
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