After much thought and many trips to Habitat and checking out craigslist for free stuff and materials, I had a lucky break! I’m doing a trade, free room for labor! How great can that be! What I am sorry about is Creg Construction 619.448.4055. (Sorry I listed their name wrong in previous posts). They were so great, professional and helpful. If I was working and wasn’t on a strict budget, would have gone with them. Bid was reasonable, follow up fantastic, not too pushy, and I would highly recommend them. Ask for Evan.
My thought is that with someone living here, doing a trade, I can get both kitchen, bath, flooring and electrical done for $10,000, if I reuse, rethink, re-purpose and recycle everybody elses remodels.
So the goal is check everyday craigslist and freecycle, 1x per week visit Habitat. Key word search: sinks, cabinets, vanities, tile, and toilets.
As a word of advice, when you are looking at craigslist, go to Free, Household, Furniture and Materials. When looking at Garage Sales, plug in your key words, otherwise your reviewing too much. People put their listings in various places.