Today is Earth Day. This is the one day of the year that the entire world joins together to bring attention to mother earth. We that celebrate this day hope that it will lead to a more sustainable existence.
What is sad, is many people do not know about Earth Day or if they do, they don’t care. Unfortunately this week I have met several people, that went Pffff when I brought up the subject. Even sadder, is the fact that there are so many little things that each person can do on a daily basis that will not only help save the earth, will also save them money.
1.) Use reusable bags: Do you know that if you even reused one paper bag from the grocery store you would save 60 000 trees.
2.) Recycle everything you possibly can. Aluminum cans, glass bottles, milk cartons, bottle caps are very easy to recycle and there is no excuse to throw them in the trash. Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to power a television for three hours or to run a 100-watt light bulb for almost four hours.
How will you save money? If you consider how many bottles of water, soda, juice and alcohol you drink. If you did not buy any of that.. it could be significant savings over the course of a year.
3.) Recycle All Glass: Glass is can be put in the recycle bin and on a shelf within 30 days. Recycling glass helps to reduce our dependence on oil. One ton of glass saves about nine gallons of fuel oil and one sixth of a ton of carbon dioxide.
4.) Stop eating Junk Food: The savings are tremendous. Not only will you be healthier you will save money. Junk food wrappers are one of the most littered item.. the less you use, the less litter. To top it off.. it will help reduce our dependence on oil, because all those food wrappers use oil.
5.) Recycle Batteries: Batteries leak toxic chemicals into our water. Nickel, lead, mercury and cadmium to name a few. Most cities have FREE battery recycling events. Buy rechargeable batteries and you can recycle them for free at Home Depots. You will save money by using rechargeable batteries as well.
6.) Quit the Styrofoam; Styrofoam does not biodegrade and contains toxic chemicals, as well the increases our dependence on oil. Green your coffee by taking your mug and support your local food take-out places that use cardboard instead of styrofoam. Did you know that Americans throw out over 25 Trillion styrofoam cups a year.
7.) Buy organic; Today it is easier and almost as economical to buy from local organic farmers and merchants. The benefits are so numerous, supporting local businesses and supporting businesses that do not use deadly pesticides. Before you say I can’t afford it.. you can if you stop the junk food and bottled water habit. Better for your health and the environment.
8.) Reuse; Almost everything you have or purchase can be reused. Wrapping paper, shoes, clothing, cell phones, bottles, socks. Before it goes in the trash. think how can this be be reused. Consider putting on Craigslist or Free-cycle to see if someone else will take it.
9.) Go Paperless; If you have to use paper use recycled paper. 24 trees are cut to make 1 ton of paper. Recycled paper creates 70% less pollution.
10.) Wean yourself from the bottle; Bottled water in America uses 17 million barrels of oil a year. It takes 13 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of water. How much of that extra 12 gallons of water could be used in the 13 drought ridden states in the USA? Not only that using tap water instead of bottled water can save you up to $1000/year.
11.) Support companies that give back.
12.) Use less stuff; Buying less will not only save you money, it will help save the earth. Less in landfills, less trash and litter, less toxic waste.
There are hundreds of other ways you can Green and Save: turn off lights, buy CFL’s, control your temperature, plant trees around the house, compost, grow your own food, donate and more. What is important, that you start now for a more sustainable you at the home and at the office.
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Turning to wish a happy day on earth!