I recently came across this healthy walk program from the American Lung Association. What a fun event do do with your family, get in shape and support the environment at the same time.
I Just Gotta Tell Ya
- For people who already have trouble breathing, like those with lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, healthy air is even more critical.
- Air pollution harms children’s lungs for life. Exposure to high levels of pollution actually causes delays in lung development in children and reduced lung function.
- An estimated 4.7 million school days are lost each year in California due to ailments caused by air pollution.
- Air pollution is costly both in lives and dollars, causing an estimated $1.6 billion in associated hospital and medical expenses as well as 1.4 million lost workdays each year in California.
If you are interested in participating in the below listed dates, contact Healthy Air Walk
Healthy Air Walk Dates in California
- San Francisco September 26th
- Greater Los Angeles October 3rth
- Orange County- October 4th
- Inland Empire October 3rd
- San Diego- November 15th
Interesting post! As healthy air is important, so is water which is a precious for life. Water conservation can begin at home. Go to http://j.mp/18lxag and learn how much of water is needed for your landscape or garden.