Now you don’t have a reason to not get rid of your junk mail. Coupon shoppers now have a way to get their discounts without using a piece of paper.
Introducing Coupon Sherpa- allows shopper s to access in store coupons on their iPhone or iPod Touch. All you have to do is show the coupon to the store clerk and
I just Gotta Tell Ya
- Advertisements create 51.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases each year.” That’s equivalent to the emissions generated by heating about 13 million homes or mowing more than 20 billion lawns.
- About 28 billion gallons of water are wasted to produce and recycle junk each year.
- You waste about 70 hours a year dealing with junk mail.
- The average adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail each year. 44% goes to the landfill unopened.
- $320 million of local taxes are used to dispose of junk mail each year.
Yes! Let’s get rid of junk mail!! is a nonprofit service that stops your junk mail – including catalogs. donates more than 1/3 of the fee to its nonprofit partners such as, American Forests, Grist,, The Ocean Project and Habitat for Humanity chapters. It costs only $8.20 a year (2 cents a day). You can check it out at