I kept reading all these statistics about LOHAS- what is it, what does it mean and what do you do with the information?
LOHAS- Stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainablity
What do you do with the information?
- Use as a Resource
- Evaluate the Trends and come up with a business plan to incorporate the trends into your business.
- Thinking of going into business? Use the Venture Capital Directory
- Support the companies listed in the directory
- Use as a resource for healthy living
I went to the website, which is a great resource – business directories, forums, statistics and news.
For more information got to LOHAS –
From the website:
Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) describes an estimated $209 billion U.S. marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social justice, personal development and sustainable living. The consumers attracted to this market represent a sizable group in this country. Approximately 19% percent of the adults in the U.S., or 41 million people, are currently considered LOHAS Consumers. This is based on surveys of the U.S. adult population estimated at 215 million.
Research shows that one in four adult Americans is part of this group—nearly 41 million people. These consumers are the future of your business and also the future of progressive social, environmental and economic change in this country. But their power as a consumer market remains virtually untapped.
The industry that serves these consumers has been identified in a research report by The Natural Marketing Institute and given the moniker of Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, or LOHAS—a market conservatively estimated at $209 billion in the U.S., and growing. Cultural Creatives are the basis of the LOHAS market. LOHAS is not a sexy acronym, but one that we think aptly describes what this movement, and our mission, is all about.
The LOHAS market was originally founded in 2000. At that time the market was estimated to be $228 B. Since then the market has evolved, recalibrated and new market size has been released in 2006 and is estimated at $209 B. This market size reduction is not due to a shrinking of the LOHAS market but rather a more specific classification of products and services catering to consumers and not business to business transactions. The intitial study included business to business sales thus providing a larger market number.
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