- Great PA Cleanup
- Keep PA Beautiful
- Stroud Township Volunteer Litter Control
Keep Allentown Beautiful-Allentown, PA 18102
Email: saurman@allentowncity.org Phone: 6104377582
Keep Lancaster County Beautiful-Lancaster, PA 17604
Email: bbaker@lcswma.org Web Site: www.lcswma.org Phone: 717-397-9968
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful-Harrisburg, PA 17105-2045
Email: marano@keeppabeautiful.org
Web Site: http://www.keeppabeautiful.org/index.asp Phone: 717.214.7901
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Central
Email: bauman@seda-cog.org Phone: 570.524.4491
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Northern-Galeton, PA 16922
Email: terri.paroute6@penn.com Phone: 814.435.7706
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Southeast-Newtown Square, PA 19073
Email: vanclief@prc.org Web Site: www.prc.org Phone: 610.353.1555
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Southwest-PA CleanWays-Greensburg, PA 15601
Email: sreiter@pacleanways.org Phone: 724.836.4121
Keep Philadelphia Beautiful-Philadelphia, PA 19151
Email: pcoles@algxmail.com Web Site: keepphiladelphiabeautiful.org Phone: 215.477-0235
Keep York Beautiful-York, PA 17405
Email: mmiller@bh-ba.com Phone: 717.852.1529
Reading Beautification, Inc.-Reading, PA 19601
Email: wayne.cockrell@readingpa.org Phone: 610.655.6278
PA Stats and Facts:
- The survey showed that 85.9 percent of those polled noticed litter and trash along Pennsylvania roadways and that 90.4 percent of those responding are bothered by roadside litter and trash.
- The largest percentage of respondents (69.5 percent) is bothered “a lot” by the roadside litter, and 53.4 percent notice it “often”, more than any other group.
- According to the results, Pennsylvania’s litter problem is not inconsequential. A total of 71.1 percent thought there was either “a lot” or “some” litter, with 31.7 percent believing there was a lot. Only 23.0 percent felt there was only a “little” litter along Pennsylvania roads.
- Highway landscaping also catches people’s attention. More than 73 percent (73.2 percent) noticed landscaping along the commonwealth’s highways, with the single largest group (39.2 percent) noticing it “often.”
- A majority (53.2 percent) felt that beautifying Pennsylvania’s roadways would help to improve business and tourism in Pennsylvania.
2007 Great PA Cleanup
•See Pictures from the 2007 Great PA Cleanup
•139,480 Participants
•5,113 Cleanup Projects
•13,565 Miles of Roadway Cleaned
•3,238 Acres of Park Land Cleaned
•12,934 Trees Flowers and Bulbs Planted
•372,096 Bags of Litter Collected
• 7,441.919 pounds of Trash Collected
Hi, thanks for all the great info — where did you get your numbers for money spent on litter removal per state?