One of my fantasies has been to have a Swiss Family Robinson type of treehouse. If that is one of your fantasies as well, you can now have it in Costa Rica, with a new community of Finca Bellavista, a sustainable Treehouse community.
Located on the South Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, it was founded to for folks, who want to preserve rainforests, live off the grid in a sustainable way.
While still in it’s infancy, Finca Bellavista aim is to use hydroelectric and solar power, operates a full recycling centers, a common garden, a waste management systems using biodigestors and go completely off the grid.
No sidewalks of course- just zip lines ala canopy tours and of course ground trails. Parking for cars and WiFi are available at a base area.
Costs are very reasonable- 2 acres can run $50,000 USD and up.
Please provide further information such as location, contact person etc. and I will feature on our site.
– Tee
Tee is the founder and senior editor of CostaRicaCLOSEUP a Travel Guide to Costa Rica with Events, Articles and Information for everyone traveling, retiring and/or purchasing real estate in Costa Rica. Please visit for more information.
The link has the contact information on their website.
Yes, thank you, sorry I missed it!
– Tee