There are three Bear Species in North America that are threatened. The Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear and American Black Bear. The Grizzly Bear was taking off the endangered list, The Black Bear is considered has Conservation Status and I think we all know the plight of the Polar Bear.
National Bear Day is April 4 and Bear Awareness Week is the 3rd week in May.. ergo this post on Grizzly Bears, because since they have been delisted.. they are threatening to give out the OK to shoot 24 Grizzly Bears .
According to Wikipedia: Only about 1,500 grizzlies are left in the lower 48 states of the US. Of these, about 800 live in Montana. About 600 more live in Wyoming, in the Yellowstone-Teton area. There are an estimated 70–100 grizzly bears living in northern and eastern Idaho.

JACKSON, Wyo. (Press Release)— Less than a year after Yellowstone’s famed grizzly bears were stripped of Endangered Species Act protection, Wyoming proposed hunting of the bears beginning this fall. Under the regulations, the state will sell tags for 24 grizzlies in areas outside of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks.
“Wyoming’s reckless hunt ignores the fact that grizzly bears remain endangered in Yellowstone and across the west,” said Andrea Santarsiere, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. “It’s tragic that these imperiled animals will be shot and killed so trophy hunters can stick heads on their walls.”
Although grizzly bear numbers in the Greater Yellowstone area increased with endangered species protections granted in 1975, the bears continue to be threatened by isolation from other grizzly populations, loss of key food sources and human-caused mortalities, including now hunting. Overall grizzly bears occupy less than 4 percent of their historic U.S. range.
“Yellowstone’s amazing grizzly bears are loved by people around the world, and they deserve a real shot at survival,” said Santarsiere. “It’s horrific that Wyoming doesn’t see the intrinsic value that these bears bring to the state’s landscape.”
Millions of tourists from all over the world come to Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park each year in hopes of seeing a grizzly bear and other rare wildlife. The tourism industry is a major economic driver for many towns in Wyoming and Montana. But the new regulations would provide no protection for Yellowstone’s famed bears, which could be shot if they leave park boundaries.
Just last month Montana’s state game agency took the opposite approach, recommending no grizzly bear hunt this year. The Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission adopted the recommendation Feb. 15.
“Montana made the right decision to not allow grizzly bear hunting this year and hopefully in future years,” said Santarsiere. “Wyoming’s failure to follow suit is deeply disappointing.”
The proposal to allow hunting comes as key grizzly bear food sources in the heart of the Yellowstone ecosystem have been collapsing and grizzly mortality rates have been increasing. The dramatic decline of whitebark pine and Yellowstone cutthroat trout has prompted bears to eat more meat, such as big-game gut piles and livestock, resulting in increased grizzly bear mortality. Drought and climate change are likely to worsen these problems.
Yellowstone’s bears have long been isolated from other bear populations, forcing the government to keep them on permanent life support by trucking bears in to avoid inbreeding. This fact further highlights the need for recovering grizzly bears in more places.
The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 1.6 million members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.
Grizzly Bears and The Endangered Species Act
Scientific American Polar Bears to become Endangered
The Guardian : Yellowstone Grizzlys can be hunted