Spring is here, the doors are open and the pests come in. What can you do? Purchasing pest repellants is expensive, do not usually work, contribute to toxins in the environment and adds more waste- and the worse part they stink. As usual I am always looking for a twofer- Something I can use for dual purposes!
Check out some of these pest tips so you can open your windows again!
Flies – Repellants– mint, bay leaves, cloves and eucalyputus, sweet basil
Dust Mites- Preventive : Regular cleaning and vacuuming
- Wash every fabric you can at least 1x per month
- Reduce or eliminate fabric wall hanging
- Wash all fabric type items every other week in hot water at least 130 °F / 54 °C or the dust mites will survive—bedding materials including pillows and mattress pads, rugs, throw cushions, stuffed toys, curtains, slipcovers, etc.
- When you make a purchase- try to make sure it is washable.
Cockroaches Preventitive-Regular cleaning and vacuuming! Use a strong soap to clean floors Repellants- catnip, cucumber, garlic, bay leaves
- Simmer catnip with water and spray around baseboards and hard to reach areas. • Soak 2 pieces of bread thoroughly with beer, place in a large empty tin can in areas of cockroach activity.
- Place borax on top (not inside) any high places such as cupboards, cabinets, shelves. Cockroaches like high places, they will take the borax back to the nests.
Fleas: Preventive-Pets must be bathed and combed regularly. Carpets, wood floors, floors’ cracks and corners, furnishings, must be vacuumed daily. Repellants- Citrus
- Take 1 lemon, score the skin, slice it up, and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Let it soak overnight. Strains then sponge the Citrus Tea onto your pets to kill the fleas and be a repellent to other fleas.
- Add brewer’s yeast or apple cider vinegar to your pets’ food.
- Place a wide shallow pan half-filled with a soapy water that has lots of bubbles on the floor and shine a lamp over the water. Fleas will jump to the heat of the lamp and land in the water unable to escape from the bubbles.
Mosquitoes: Preventive- Seal your home completely, add screen, remove standing water.
Repellants- Eucalyptus oil, Neem oil, Soybean oil applied to the skin repels.
- Mix one part garlic juice with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. Spray onto exposed skin. Dip strips of cotton cloth into the mixture and hang in areas, such as patios to act as a deterrent.
- Burn sage or rosemary.
- Marigolds in your garden repel mosquitos
- Oregano oil: works as well
Is there any deterrent for centipedes? I live on the ground floor of a house w/4 apartments & the basement is dirt floor & every spring/summer I get centipedes in my apartment! How many I get at any given time depends on our weather….especially if it’s rainy/wet outside.