I Just Gotta Tell Ya
- India’s Tiger Population dropped from 3600 (2003) to around 1400.
- Panna National Park (India) , a tiger reserve is reporting they have no tigers left.
- Wildlife activists last week said that Malaysia, estimated to have just 500 tigers still living in the wild, was losing its battle to save the endangered big cats after a series of raids that netted tiger carcasses and bones
- The Vietnam News reported that the latest government figures suggest that only around 100 tigers survive in the wild in the country, down from over 300 just a decade ago. (Dec. 2008 ) .

- In Hong Kong black markets, vendors sell a pound of powdered tiger humorous bone sells for over $1700
‘Last year we learned that India’s tiger population had dropped about 3,600 individuals in 2003 to around 1,400. This was enough to make the Indian government promise that 8 new Tiger reserves covering 11,900 square miles would be created. But how effective are these “Tiger Parks”? The BBC is reporting that Panna National Park, one of the main tiger reserves, no longer has any tigers. How did that happen?
To read the full article go to Treehugger