Living as a green blogger in southern California, I basically live in flip flops, from cheap to expensive. No matter what, based on what I see in the streets and trash, most people seem to consider plastic thongs as disposable items, all which land up in our waste streams and landfills. Most flip flops are not biodegradable! While we applaud the artistic works of the Flip Flop Initiative (up-cycling Flip Flops from the beaches in Africa) That still doesn’t help us in the US recycle and reuse the millions of Flip Flops we use.
Smart up-cyclers like made in America Okabashi have taken the lead in up-cycling and recycling Flip Flops. The average shoe is 15-25% recycled content, the best part, is when you are done with with your shoes, you can recycle them and send them back to Okabashi to recycle.
Using 100% of all materials, Okabashi has closed the loop in manufacturing and strive to be zero-waste. To find out where to recycle they are listed on and or you can just send them back. Available on Amazon as well.
Okabashi for FootSmart Women’s Sadie Thong Sandals
See 17 Ways to Reuse Flip Flops
more companies should provide their customers with the opportunity to send their goods back to them for recycling – it’s a clear cut win win situation for both sides.