LED lights (Light Emitting Diodes) are lightbulbs which are super energy efficient. In the old days they were used for such things as flashlights. Today you see them in your computer screens and now in your home or office.
I Just Gotta Tell Ya
- Estimated 600 million fluorescent lamps are disposed of in U.S. landfills, amounting to 30,000 pounds of mercury waste.
- It only takes 4 mg of mercury to contaminate up to 7,000 gallons of freshwater, meaning that the 30,000 pounds of mercury thrown away in compact fluorescent light bulbs each year is enough to pollute nearly every lake, pond, river and stream and oceans in North America
- Breaking one mercury light bulb in your home can contaminate your home to such a degree that hazardous materials experts are needed to remove the mercury
- It is unlawful for anyone to dispose of fluorescent bulbs as universal waste in the states of California, Minnesota, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
The Re-Green Factor
- LED bulbs last up to 10x longer than CFL’s and can potentially save more than $700 over it’s lifetime and reduce energy usage up to 80%
- LED use less energy (saving even more money)
- No mercury is used in the manufacturing of LED’s
- LED’s are more durable- they do not have a filament, therefore are not damaged under normal circumstances.
Where to recycle
- E-cycle takes batteries and flurescent bulbs by mail.
- Lightbulb Recycling– facts and information on lightbulbs and recycling- click on your state to find lightbulb recycling resources.