![Illegal Dumping](http://www.greenecoservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Illegal-Dumping-250x177.gif)
I get at least one person a week asking me how to report people that litter or telling me about people littering and illegal dumping. Steve Spacek at the American Litter Scorecard so nicely wrote up what to do and how to report people who litter and illegal dumping.
I want to add this as well: On this site we do have some contact information by state, click your state and then Litter Resources. You can also in some cases call America The Beautiful or you may have a city or state clean up program.
Still don’t know, try using theses words in your browser:
- Illegal Dumping, city and state
- Environmental Services, city and state
- Department of Ecology, city and state
- Department of Transportation, city and state
- Litter hotline, city and state (see a listing here)
By Steve Spacek, “American State Litter Scorecard”
1. Use internet Government Website, ’Contact Us’ icon or send to topmost specified individual–NO phone calls! (unless government has no seen Internet contact us icon/address)
2. Describe location clearly, using landmarks, mile markers, northbound, east bound, etc.
3. Mention state law/county-city ordinance is still in effect, REQUIRES timely removal of litter/debris from ALL public properties. ALL 50 states, and most counties, cities/townships do indeed have mandatory, timely litter removal laws/ordinances
4. At end of email, write this line: “This email communication IS public record”
5. Allow 10-14 days for action and/or response. Resend email after two weeks if reported site not cleaned up.
Never accept excuses (budget, manpower problems, laziness, etc) from those in charge of removing litter. Written litter –and their required removals–laws are in effect EVERYWHERE, at all times!
Thanks for posting this, Cathy!
For the life of me, I cannot seem to find who I must call to report dumping on the country road I live on in Beverly, Morgan/Washington County, Ohio. Please Help! I live right on the county borders.
Call Department of Transportation for a listing http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Contacts/Pages/
Keep Ohio Beautiful -http://www.keepohiobeautiful.us/
EPA Ohio website: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/derr/derrmain.html
Website: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/recycling
More Information available- http://www.greenecoservices.com/taxpayer-cost-of-litter-and-illegal-dumping-in-ohio/