Bottle House Week Continues: This bottle house was made with over 5,000 whiskey bottles back in the 50’s in Calico, California. Calico is located in the Mojave Desert and was abandoned in 1907, while the last resident died in the 60’s. It is now designated as a Historical Landmark
Recycled Glass Countertops says
Glass countertops are a matter of good stylish. It gives the countertop a form of depth result while simultaneously making the countertop a important look due to the glass’ ideal surface. The use of glass countertops produces a classy and exquisite look in modern homes. If you want a modern styled kitchen, glass countertops are perfect for accomplishing this look. Glass kitchen countertops can be designed in an assortment of textures and colors. As a result the final stage result can be customized to compliment the interior decoration