Believe it or not, water is not a limitless resource. As many of you already know, many parts of the country are facing droughts and water rationing. Not only that the water supply is becoming increasingly polluted due to many different reasons that all have to do with humans not taking care of the environment. If you want to know what you are drinking look inside a drain on the street. If you really want to know what you are drinking, look inside a drain after a rainy day. And that is all that you can see, not counting the invisible toxins, pesticides and more flowing from lawns and trash on the street.
- Water heating in an office can account for 9% of the total energy load.
- Leaky faucets that drip at the rate of 1 drop per second can waste up to 2,700 gallons of water each year.
- The average person uses 69.3 gallons a day, 30 of those gallons are hot water
- Low flush toilets can save up to 70% of toilet water flushing.
What you can do:
- Add aerators to existing faucets. This can cut faucet water usage in half and save energy when using hot water.
- Fix all leaks.
- Lever or mixer taps (with a single lever or knob) let you find the right water temperature quickly. This means staff won’t waste water trying to get the balance right.
- When cleaning, get staff to use a bucket to wash and rinse where possible, instead of running the taps or hose.
- Provide incentives for staff to save water by linking water conservation to staff performance reviews.
- Use visual tools like charts and graphs to highlight water savings to employees.
- Mention water conservation plans and progress in staff meetings.
- Use communication tools like bulletins, newsletters and emails to send staff water saving ideas, announcements, progress reports and news of special achievements.
- Include water conservation policies and procedures in staff training programs.
- Establish an ideas box to encourage employees to suggest ways to save water.
- Encourage your staff to adopt water saving practices.
- Think about installing your own wastewater treatment system to recycle water and cut down on water bills.
- Provide incentives for staff to save water by linking water conservation to staff performance reviews.
Remember Water is a Precious Resource and Should Not be Wasted