Another seaworthy enterprise are the chopsticks made from ocean plastic. Launched on Kickstarter, Umi Hashi chopsticks are created by Yavez S.E. Anthonio, utilizing ocean plastic from the Netherlands. Unfortunately they did not make their fundraising goal back in 2016, which is really too bad, when you think about how many trees are cut down to make chopsticks.
I Just Have To Eco You
- 24 billion pairs of chopsticks are used each year in Japan
- 3.8 million trees cut for the manufacture of about 57 billion disposable pairs of chopsticks in China, (national forest bureau.)
- 2 billion is the estimated number of pencils used in the U.S. each year
- 82,000 trees cut for pencils, as each tree makes approximately 170,000 pencils.
- 2 billion Popsicles are sold each year. (Estimated)
Do I find wood disposable chopsticks on the beach.. Of course. What I find the most of is wood BBQ skewers, wood popsicle sticks, wood stirrers, large matches, some type of pointy thing, and pencils of course. Remember these implements also contribute to deforestation. Can imagine how many trees are cut down to be used once?
I estimate, that I pick up over 1,000 disposable wood items every year off the beach. Most are during the summer of course in the height of BBQ and tourist season.
Are their alternatives? Of course.. stop eating popsicles, use a reusable chopstick, that also can be used as a stirrer. As to BBQ skewers, there are plenty around that can be used forever. It is all about changing habits and thinking before you purchase.
Really excellent post, Cathy..thank you! Food for thought!