Everyone comes to Costa Rica with a dream. The dream can be the lazy, sand swept beach life with a margarita in hand, or a jungle getaway, a pair … [Read more...] about Living the Green Dream in Costa Rica
Living the Green Dream in Costa Rica

Saving Our Oceans From Plastic
by Cathy
Everyone comes to Costa Rica with a dream. The dream can be the lazy, sand swept beach life with a margarita in hand, or a jungle getaway, a pair … [Read more...] about Living the Green Dream in Costa Rica
by Cathy
One more reason not to shop at Target 1.) It's expensive 2.) No Customer Service 3.) They illegally dump toxic ingredients into our waste streams. … [Read more...] about Target Pays $22.5 Million For Illegal Dumping
by Cathy
The saying paper or plastic is now a thing of the past. "Next time bring your bag," the cashier tells a customer at the grocery store. Tuesday, … [Read more...] about Maui and Kauai Ban Plastic Bags
by Cathy
24 States are have now implemented Electronic Waste Laws! according to Electronics TakeBack Coalition. Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, South … [Read more...] about 24 States Now Ban Electronic Waste In Landfills.
by Cathy
Millions of pounds of trash go into our oceans, we have all heard of the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch, the issue has been what to do with all of the … [Read more...] about Reusing Ocean Trash To Make Vacuum Cleaners