Single-use plastic bags also cost Austin taxpayers a significant amount of money. In fact, Austinites use about 263 million plastic bags annually, costing the city about $850,000 per year for collection, litter clean-up, landfill management and recycling contamination. This figure does not include the cost to our environment.
The people should require a provision to ban this kind of plastic bag. Everyone should be required to have a reusable bag they can take home and bring to the store, any store.
The plastic bag is everywhere, even flowing through my apartment complex right now; Because of the dollar store next door.
The material is not strong, and makes carrying things hard, even frozen pizzas.
Simply charge 10 cents per plastic bag that the customer uses. They will start bringing their own bags from the very next day. That’s what they do in Europe. I saw people stuff their bags in pant pockets in Holland years ago.