The last time I moved, I thought I would never be back, moving to Mexico ergo gave away almost everything. No dishes, no blankets, ratty clothes, no sheets and towels. no lamps, no beach toys (boogie boards, beach chairs, fins). Most of the outdoor chairs were trashed and I had very little furniture.
No Worries…. Salvaging is the name of the game. Those who pick up trash (any trash) can definitely win in more ways than one. Over the past few months, I have scored over $120 dollars in cash found on the beach.

1.) Dishes needed.. this was not on the beach, since I only found 2 great coffee mugs and 1 glass plate. My new neighbors trashed almost everything in their house. Scored from them: vacuum cleaner, lamps and dishes.
2.) Easter comes along and it is my turn to do the event… no can opener. A few weeks later, brand new can opener along with a 6-pack sitting in a beach trash can.
3.) Another item I needed was tongs, who can BBQ without? Found several pairs along with a chicken roaster (my brother took)
4.) Speaking of BBQ’s, also needed a BBQ, while there were several choices, I didn’t take any… probably because they are so heavy.

5.) Knives: Usually find several knives, but this is the best and love the color. This was about to be washed away as well. And it is dangerous laying on the beach. Also my neighbors threw away a Fabrware set of knives of which will be donated.
6.) Shoes: When trudging along on the beach, good walking sandals are very useful. These Chaco shoes where about to be floated away on the tide. Like new, my size and about $100 online.
7.) Flip Flops are the daily go to shoe. Plodding 2-4 miles daily in both hard and soft sand… they do not last too long. One cannot have too many Flip Flops. These are the scores in my size and in good condition. 2 Pair of Havainas (around $30 online) One pair of Studio Sandals and another no name.
- Do you know it takes about 2,110 gallons of water for one pair of leather shoes.
8.) Pants: Living in hot Mexico, one does not need pants per se. Two pair of lightweight grey sweatpants. Fila ($20 used online) and DKNY ($20 used online).
- Do you know it takes 2108 Gallons of water to make a pair of jeans?
9.) Jacket (s): Several years ago had found a black almost new Columbia Fleecy on the beach. There are holes in the pockets and it is pretty ratty. Love this jacket as it has zippered pockets. It’s replacement is a almost new khaki Columbia Fleecy with zippered pockets. ($40-$60 online) Most of the other jackets have been donated. 3 Sweatshirts given to a friend, 1 Sweatshirt given to my brother and have donated about 10 YTD.
10.) Hand Sanitizers: alway good to have, especially when picking up various items such as dirty diapers on the beach.
11.) Beach Accessories: I now have a collection of boogie boards, beach mats, beach chairs, beach umbrellas and fins to enjoy a day on the beach. Basketballs: Gave to nephew and my mother for the Senior Olympics Basketball team. Sold 3 volleyballs, Donated 11 assorted footballs, volleyballs and basket balls, baseballs, smash balls.
- Did you know that Major League Baseball teams go through 900,000 baseballs each season. (Source)
12.) Outdoor chairs: My new neighbor trashed 6 outdoor chairs that were in better condition than my current chairs..
13.) Garden– One cannot have too many garden implements. A total of three trowels have been found, with one given to my mother who lost hers. (How that happened, who knows)
14.) These little shovels are very handy. Over the years have found 3 of them, plus a large shovel several years ago.
15.) Electronic Devices are becoming more common on the beach. My mother needed a new charger hookup.
- Do you know One cell phone takes 240 gallons of water to manufacture

16.) Car adaptor: My old one was for my old phone.. this will work. This was found lying in the sand, didn’t even know what it was until I got it home.
17.) Earbuds.. I had these but they are useful and have found 3 working of them year to date. I did give a bluetooth to my brother ($75.)
18.) Beers; Nothing is better than a cold beer on a hot day. Best yet is finding full beers laying in the sand or even in a trashcan. Year to date I found found at least a case of unopened beer on the beach. Have probably thrown away 100 gallons of wasted beer.
- Do you know it takes about 20 gallons of water to make a pint of beer?
19.) Reusable Bottles are supposed to be reused not left on the beach. Personally I keep alot around and give them away to visitors if they do not have or bring their own reusable water bottle. These are considered hostess gifts.. Yes they are washed and sterlized in vinegar, baking soda and lemon.
- Did you know if you drink 4 plastic bottles of water a day, you would be saving around 1,460 plastic bottles per year by using a reusable bottle. Plus saving money, plus saving 3x that much in water production costs.
20.) Sheets, Comforters and Bed Spreads: I donated most of my sheets and towels in Mexico. They have a great need in the orphanages, senior citizen centers and rescued animals. Returning back to the states, hotel sheets and blankets are fairly common on the beach. While I have donated blankets and comforters to the Humane Society (4) Given and sold about 50 towels, they add up very fast.
- Do you know it takes 2839 Gallons of water to make a single bed sheet?

That said currently I have 108 assorted Beach and Bath Towels, 10 Blankets, 15 assorted bed linens representing 143 items or 405,977 Gallons of Wasted Water.
These are my year to date Beach Finds, which are reusable in my home. Charcoal and lighter fluids were given to a neighbor. Dog leash given to a neighbor, marijuana given to several chemo patients, unopened sodas, given to neighbors and the guys at the recycling center…
Since I am supposed to be writing about living off of beach trash.. part of it is reusing items that people throw away. While it doesn’t produce income, it does make life easier.