Les Tribus De L’Omo – The painted people of the Surma and Mursi tribes in Southern Ethiopia – Photos by Hans Silvester These images can teach all the artists what the real and natural art is .This is an example of how nature taught a man to live in the midst of colours and pigments of natures kind.
I saw this video and thought how gorgeous and creative people can be with no money, no packaging, no marketing, no hype. For those DIYers or gardeners, most of these plants with dyes can be grown at home. No need to spend money to buy, no need to dispose of costly packaging and it’s healthy and eco friendly!
I Just Gotta Eco Ya:
- Personal Care Market is $40-$60 Billion recession proof industry
- Average American Women spends from $200- $5,000 per year in cosmetics. See Article in Siren Magazine (Article states Women spend $12,00- $15,000 per year)
- The Average American Adult uses 7 different Skin Care products every day.
- The average markup is 65%
Natural and Safe Plants That Can be Used For Dying
- Tumeric- (Wikipedia)Turmeric paste is traditionally used by Indian women to keep them free of superfluous hair and as an antimicrobial. Turmeric paste, as part of both home remedies and Ayurveda, is also said to improve the skin and is touted as an anti-aging agent. Turmeric figures prominently in the bridal beautification ceremonies of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Staining oneself with turmeric is believed to improve the skin tone and tan.
- Indigenous peoples of South America traditionally use annatto, huito, or wet charcoal to decorate their faces and bodies. Huito is semi-permanent, and it generally takes weeks for this black dye to fade. (Wikipedia)
Garden Flowers (From Kids Gardening)
- aster (yellow)
- black-eyed Susans (green)
- chamomile (yellow)
- coreopsis (orangish)
- marigolds (yellow)
- sunflowers and seeds (gold)
- zinnias (yellow)
- bindweed (yellow)
- cocklebur (brass)
- dandelions (magenta, with no mordant)
- dock (brass)
- giant ragweed (brass/gold)
- goldenrod (brass)
- mullein (yellow)
- redroot pigweed (brass/gold)
Other Dye Plants
- alder leaves (yellow)
- birch leaves (yellow/tan)
- black walnut hulls (black)
- red cabbage (pinkish)
- carrot tops (green)
- mint leaves (yellow)
- parsley leaves (yellow)
- spinach plants (green)
- tomato plants (pink/blue)
- turmeric (orangish)
- wild grapes (purple)
- wild mustard (yellow)
- DIY Cosmetics– listing of what types of dyes and homemade recipes to use for cosmetics.
- Pioneer Thinking
- Kids Gardening- history of plant dyes and uses
- Plant Cultures– Good site that refers to how plants were used in the past and what you can use them for
- Wikipedia- Body Painting
An interesting article and could be useful. If this natural lifestyle is being destroyed by so-called progress; then that is sad. God created a beautiful world.