10 Top Green Twitter Users to Follow
Twitter’s green community is steadily growing as green charities, green media and green companies become active on the micro blogging service. The environmentalist equivalent to #FollowFriday, a hashtag trend where every Friday users suggest twitters to follow, is #EcoMonday, where Twitter users recommend green environmentalist twitters to follow. Following are ten of the top environmentalist organizations discussed in the popular Monday hashtag:
Amazon Watch – Partnered with a number of other environmental and indigenous organizations, Amazon Watch campaigns for preservation of the ecological system in the Amazon River basin and human rights of the indigenous people of the Amazon Basin. Follow their tweets about environmental news issues affecting the rainforest and keep informed with updates about the organization. Amazon Watch – http://twitter.com/amazonwatch
Earth Hour – Earth Hour sets out to raise awareness about climate change in a unique way by asking that everyone turn out lights all around the world at the same time for a period of one hour. Their tweets cover alternative energy news and a wide variety of climate changes around the world. They also tweet about their own projects and environmentalist efforts in raising awareness about changes to the climate. Earth Hour – http://twitter.com/earthhour
The Eco Preservation Society – The Eco Preservation Society tweets about a wide variety of conservation issues and widely promotes research, educational programs and ecological travel in an effort to raise awareness concerning environmental issues and advance reforestation initiatives and wildlife conservation. The Eco Preservation Society – http://twitter.com/ecoexploration
Environmental Defense Fund – Working with communities, governments and businesses in an effort to establish lasting long term solutions to environmental problems, The Environmental Defense Fund tweets about a wide range of environmental issues and concerns facing the world today. Environmental Defense Fund – http://twitter.com/envdefensefund
Greenpeace – Greenpeace is a worldwide effort to promote environmental responsibility, conservation and peace globally. Their tweets are primarily focused upon sustainability and worldwide environmental concerns, as well as information concerning their efforts in the promotion of environmental awareness. It is also possible to specifically follow the U.S arm of Greenpeace. Greenpeace – http://twitter.com/greenpeace
The Nature Conservancy – A leader in conservation efforts, the Nature Conservancy boasts more than 1 million members and strives to protect some of the earth’s most important natural places. Their tweets span a number of various topics concerning climate change, environmental conservation and other ecologically related issues. The Nature Conservancy – http://twitter.com/nature_org
NWF – The National Wildlife Federation’s tweets focus largely upon their personal efforts towards promoting habitat conservation and wildlife throughout the United States, as well as related issues and news. NWF – http://twitter.com/NWF
Rainforest Alliance – The Rainforest Alliance retweets a multitude of valuable environmental content, as well as about news and other issues concerning sustainability and conservation. Their primary mission is to change the behavior of individuals and businesses in an effort to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable living throughout the world. Rainforest Alliance – http://twitter.com/rnfrstalliance
The SCA – As a U.S conservation corps, The Student Conservation Association works to protect and restore national landmarks, parks and marine sanctuaries throughout the United States. Their tweets primarily focus upon conservation news and national conservation efforts. The SCA – http://twitter.com/the_sca
The World Wildlife Fund – The World Wildlife Fund is an organization focused upon protecting and promoting wildlife conservation throughout the world. Their efforts include protection and habitat conservation for endangered species. Tweets are focused upon wildlife conservation issues and other related news. The World Wildlife Fund – http://twitter.com/WWF
Author Bio: Drake MacDonald is a freelance writer. He is currently a resident writer for Online Schools which researches areas of higher learning, how to pick an online school and education. In his spare time, he enjoys staying fit, watching football, and spending time in the outdoors.
Could you provide links to each of these twitter pages?? I would love to be able to follow them without having to search for each page individually.
@marcalsmallstep is an awesome green company to follow on twitter too. I love their green tips.
Yes- I will do that, it was submitted by a guest blogger and they didn’t put in the links, sorry about that!
Thank you so much for listing the National Wildlife Federation as top ten! This is an impressive list!
Amazon Watch – http://twitter.com/amazonwatch
Earth Hour – http://twitter.com/earthhour
The Eco Preservation Society – http://twitter.com/ecoexploration
Environmental Defense Fund – http://twitter.com/envdefensefund
Greenpeace – http://twitter.com/greenpeace
The Nature Conservancy – http://twitter.com/nature_org
NWF – http://twitter.com/NWF
Rainforest Alliance – http://twitter.com/rnfrstalliance
The SCA – http://twitter.com/the_sca
The World Wildlife Fund – http://twitter.com/WWF