- It is said that Fast Food wrappers make up about 33% of litter. I believe it! The amount of trash that people throw out the window is incredible, it is the #2 item that I pick up after cigarette butts.
- The average American eats fast food more than 150x per year
- 300 pounds of packaging waste are generated each year for each person.
- Take- out generates more that. 1.8 Million tons of packaging per year
TOP 10 Things Fast Food Places Can Do to Help the Environment
1.) Join up with the closest school and offer ‘internships’ on helping them devise a litter program with the students.
2.) Get together with other ‘fast food restaurants‘ in their area, to promote recycling in the neighborhood.
3.) Put out Recycling Bins both inside and outside the restaurants and other places close by, especially in the strip centers.
4.) Promote with signage, PLEASE RECYCLE
5.) Take the napkins and the plastic ware away and give with the order. When you go out of the country, you almost have to beg for a napkin or any eating utensils. Believe me if you request a second napkin, you may or may not get one. It is only in the US, these items are free for the taking.
6.) Do not leave out condiments on a table. When they are picking up the food, ask if they would like.
7.) Require Employees to do a daily trash pick up around restaurant.
8.) Only use Recyclable Containers and proudly announce it.
9.) Give seminars and lectures at your local schools on the benefits of recycling.
10.) Take part in cleaning up your litter, not only around the restaurant, but the neighborhood as well.
What if Mr. Ed Eco had a Conversation with Frank Fast Food?
Mr. Eco: Mr. Fast Food, as you know we have a problem with litter. It’s making our strip center look trashy, which is not good for either you or me. What do you think we could do about this? Quite honestly, even though I don’t live in this neighborhood, I’m a little tired of picking up people’s trash in my front yard as well.
Mr. Fast Food: Nothing, it’s not our problem, we pay too much rent already and the economy is slow, between the kids ripping me off, the coupons, paying the franchise fee, i gotta enuf to do and pay for. Plus, I never see any trash!
Mr. Eco: But what if, by spending a little time and effort and a few dollars we could garner good feelings and relationships with our neighbors, do you think we could increase business?
Mr. Fast Food: We already recycle in the back, and the inside is clean, what more do they want? Geez I can hardly get these kids to clean the bathrooms!
Mr. Eco: Let me ask you a question, how many condiments, napkins and plastic ware are wasted? How much do you think that costs you monthly? (See Costs)
Mr. Fast Food: Hundreds of Dollars, it makes me sick to watch these people throw away 10- 20 napkins and the ketchup, mustard! They take handfuls of this stuff, and just throw it away. Do you really think we could save? (see Blog)
Mr. Eco: Mr Fast Food, I think if we invested in recycle bins both inside and out, quit putting out the all the utensils and condiments and make it a request upon the delivery of the food, with signage announcing what we are doing, we could more than make up the cost of the recycle bins and create good will.
Mr. Fast Food- That’s a thought! But it’s a hassle and the cost, I mean look at what they did in Santa Monica! Requiring containers to be recycled, what a rip-off!
Mr. Eco: I’m thinking that as the people get more and more educated about the effects of litter, we could be leaders in our community, set an example and did you know that 79% of consumers will support a company with a cause? The best part, not only would we save money, we could help save the environment as well. You know, we might have an easier time getting kids to come work for us, because they want to be with a clean and green company. We could save in the following ways:
1.) Get better and longer term employees, less training and advertising cost.
2.) Less wasted products
3.) Cleaner and safer environment.
4.) Excellent word of mouth advertising, (less cost in direct mail)
What do you think? Would you be willing to try it?
Take Action: No More Refills
EPA Food Waste and Reduction Guide
Thanks for the great tips and we really appreciate you mentioning our website – nofreerefills.org!
due to the busy schedules from work, most people would just prefer to eat on fastfoods ..
fast foods are of course very popular these days because the price is cheap and there are lots of menu to choose from ..