The viral marine debris news of the week was the story of and endangered Kemp’s Ridley turtle who was found strangled by a University of Alabama logoed beach chair. The picture was take at Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge and shared by the Fort Morgan Share the Beach group on Facebook. The Kemps Ridley turtles have been on the endangered list since 1970.
Now you know one of the reasons why picking up your stuff.. all of your belongings and leaving only a footprint is so important.
If you think that is an exception, it is not. I don’t know how many beach chairs I pick up off the beach. Not as much as the beach cleaners that is for sure, who only pick up the chair on their cleaning path. It is up to the citizens, the ploggers, the fisherman, the surfers to pull the chairs out of the tides and most do not, sad to say.
This is not just on beaches, it is everywhere unfortunately. It is sickening!