Now that dogs and other animals are being allowed everywhere, there have been huge controversies of whether they should be unleashed or leashed, times and places to walk dogs. To be honest, I have flouted the rules with times and leashed. For us in San Diego, particularly in Mission Beach, we have 2 Dog Parks within 5 miles. While one would have to get in their car and drive to let their dog run free, it is a safe alternative.
Every year, the same (Yawn) topic comes up on dogs and the beach, usually when they get a ticket. I do not get it, the rules have been in place for 40 years.
The San Diego Law on dogs is clearly stated numerous times on the boardwalk.
Dogs are NOT allowed on the beach, boardwalk or adjacent parks between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. from April 1 through Oct. 31. At all other hours, dogs must be on a leash. Owners are expected to pick up after their dog. Dogs are allowed at Dog Beach (adjacent to Ocean Beach) and Fiesta Island (in Mission Bay).
Discussions on Leashed-Unleashed-Dog Walking can become very heated and emotional. Just because someone is for leash laws and times does not mean they are Dog Haters. It is in poor taste to call someone a hater if they disagree with you.
Leashing dogs and having set times to walk the dogs on the beach is a good idea for numerous reasons:
1.) One can control the dog. I was walking a boxer (leashed) on the street and this boxer jumped at bicycle riders. Many dogs are untrained or puppies, they do not know what is good or bad behavior. Just because your dog is friendly does not mean that other dogs are.
2.) Shows respect for other people. 15% of the people are allergic to dogs and cats. Many people, especially kids have Cynophobia or fear of dogs. People have the right to be able to walk, play and enjoy without being confronted by dogs.
3.) Control where the dog leaves their mess. I have seen tons of dogie- do on the beach, watched people with unleashed dogs not pick up after their dog. Even that, which is worse, those that leave their plastic wrapped dog- do on the beach. There is dog crap on the boardwalk and in the park almost daily. People are already swimming in dirty diapers, who wants to add dog S—T on top of that?
4.) Animals can be unpredictable. They can attack both other dogs and people. You do not know how dogs will react to people, kids, skateboards, bicycles, food and other animals. Children and elderly people are especially prone to being mown down.
5.) Safety issue: I have seen loose dogs run in the way of the beach cleaners, seen bicycle riders fall off the bikes, the scooters, skateboarders. It is a safety hazard.
6.) There are other wildlife on the beach that can be hassled by unleashed dogs. In Mission Beach, we have Snowy Plovers (endangered) as well as other shore birds. In Victoria, Australia ‘beachgoers have been urged to leash their pets. Deakin University ecologists found evidence of threatened shorebirds mauled by dogs’ (Australia)
7.) Open to lawsuits:
- Hawaii jury awards $850,000 for dog bites By Gordon Y.K. Pang Advertiser Staff Writer A young dog-bite victim and his mother were awarded $850,000 by a Circuit Court jury yesterday in what is believed to be the largest dog-bite award in Hawai’i. The decision, reached after less than three hours of deliberations, comes when the number of reported dog bites and the potential for dog-bite lawsuits in Hawai’i are on the rise. Keeton Manguso was 2 1/2 and weighed 24 pounds on Mother’s Day 2005 when he was bitten multiple times by a Rottweiler owned by Mariko Bereday at Kahala Beach. (Source)
- SANTA CRUZ; A lawsuit filed by an Aptos mother whose son was attacked by a dog on Rio del Mar State Beach three years ago has been settled for $57,500. (Source)
- 2013 ABC News report found “dog attacks cost Florida pet owners more than $7 million a year, and in some instances could lead to jail time.” (Source)
- 2017- Boca Raton woman attacked by dog sues owner and Palm Beach County
8.) What they eat: I have seen dogs eating and nosing around dead seals, birds and rats. They also eat all the leftover food on the beach. You have no idea what contaminants are in dead animals and food. You do not know what is in that seaweed and kelp, fishing lures, glass and styrofoam to name a few. BTW, dogs eat sand, feces, and even drink the salt water. The above can be extremely harmful to dogs.

9.) Dog Toys in particular tennis balls: The numerous tennis balls and other dog toys I find on the beach are deadly to marine animals. I am not saying that each tennis balls is used or played with dogs, but they are an issue. Tennis balls and the like are a common denominator in Marine Debris, adding more pollution to our oceans
10.) It is the law: Whether you agree or disagree with the law, it was put there for reason. Usually it’s public safety and that includes dog poop. For those who choose to disregard this law, do not get upset about illegal fires, drinking and smoking on the beach, glass on the beach, speeding on the boardwalk, theft and any other crime. A law is a law. If you do the crime, you will pay the fine.
According to Dog Bite Laws:
- Dog bite losses exceed $1 billion per year.
- 2017, 39 Americans were killed by dogs, 29 of whom were killed by pit bulls.
- Each year, more than 350,000 dog bite victims are seen in emergency rooms, and approximately 850,000 victims receive medical attention. Data that the CDC collected in the USA between 2001 and 2003 indicated there were 4.5 million dog bite victims per year… that figure appears to be rising.
- Despite the number of victims, only 15,000 to 16,000 of them per year receive money from homeowners insurance companies and renters insurance companies. This means that out of the 850,000 who get medical attention, only two victims per 100 receive compensation. The nationwide average insurance payment for a dog bite case fluctuates between $32,000 and $37,000.
As seen on a forum:
- …husband’s leg was slashed by a leash when he was jogging on the boardwalk.
- …. experienced a nasty accident when a dog on a leash unexpectedly crossed in front of my bike
- …run in MB park & on the boardwalk often, and have issues with dogs (illegally) there barking, nipping, or blocking the entire path…
- … riding my cruiser. and a leashed dog darted in front of me causing me to crash into not only the dog, but a family with small children in a baby walker. It’s against the law for a reason. Public safety.
- … was bitten by a dog on a leash at the beach.
- …mauled by a Rottweiler.
Other Instances
- 2016 San Diego — A larger dog attacked and killed a small four-pound Chihuahua at the Ocean Beach Dog Beach Friday, making this the third deadly small dog killed there in the past year. (10 News)
- 2016: Owners say small dog viciously attacked at Del Mar Dog Beach
- 2017 Maltipoo shaken “like a chew toy,” killed; attacker’s owner splits scene (Ocean Beach)
- 2017: Vicious Dog Attacks People on Beach (Video)
- 2017 Dog and owner attacked at beach on Auckland’s North Shore
- 2016 6,755 USPS workers were dog attack victims in the United States. A 3% increase from 2015. In California, Los Angeles experienced the most, with 80 incidences of such attacks, followed by Houston then Cleveland. 4th was San Diego and 5th Louisville, Kentucky. These numbers are collected from reports made by employees to their local postal service branches. (Source)
The best news is that some people are taking a proactive stance to prevent dog attacks. Called the Yellow Dog Project
This is not just a San Diego issue, it is a global issue as we have become more animal-centric and need our therapy dogs with us 24-7. Next time you get angry, please remind yourself, it is not about you.
- Dog Bites: This site tracks dog bites on a daily-yearly basis
- National Pit Bull Victim Awareness
- San Diego Union Tribune: Del Mar cracks down on leash laws
- What’s being done about dog bites (San Diego Union)
- Cornwall Live: Dog Owners Spotted Flouting Ban
- Leash Your Dog: It’s the Law For a Number of Reasons