Making eyewear and the lenses can be costly to the environment due to the sheer amount of energy it takes to produce a single pair of glasses. Today many optical lens manufacturers have off-shored their lens production. One company, Vision-Ease Lens actually manufacturers their lenses in the United States and additionally they have gone Green, using renewable energy and eliminating waste
I admire Vision-Ease Lens, not only for their eco friendly corporate philosophy, but it just came to my attention, part of their corporate mantra is to be part of a community and exhibit global stewardship. This year (2010) they have participated in at least two events that are impressive:
The first is Sewing Dresses For Africia, in which all the employees donated clothes, fabrics and sewing supplies, and those who could sew, make up a bunch of clothes to be sent to orphanages in Central Africa.
The next project that was embarked upon was was building houses with Habitat For Humanity. “Positively impacting the community we live and work in is something Vision-Ease and its employees hold as a priority, and we are honored to work with Habitat for Humanity” said John Oyen, director of human resources, VEL. “Our employees completed a lot of work in five days, and we’re thrilled to support their efforts.”
It’s relatively easy to give money, what is hard, is employee involvement and the gift of time, something that most people seem to lack! The best part – made in the USA.
You can find out more about Vision-Ease lens products here
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