Where to go with Water Misuse in San Diego.
San Diego Water 619.515.3599
Hit #5: Conservation
Report excessive water misuse including watering at inappropriate time, water runoff and collection. All information is kept confidential.
Hope this is helpful to all of you who asked.
Again Kudos to you for taking a stand on what you want to do.
Watering, I went on your blog! I never understood that either watering in the middle of the day and watering when it was raining.
Here in Mary Land we do not water I have never seen a sprinkler system on anywhere at anytime. Nature takes it course here. When it is hot and it has not rained for awhile they just let the grass get brown. In summer here many grasses turn brown but when the rain comes it grows back. Now I will say it took Al awhile to deal with this because he is use to watering 1-2 times a day in summer. People here say why water and waste it and its expensive to water your yard.
They are conscious here of what you put in your yard as in fertilizer and pet feces. We wash out to the Chesapeake bay.
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