This is a great little video from Pocono Green (80505016) about the sheer amount of plastic bags in our world today. The pictures alone are compelling reasons to ban plastic bags. Pictures of seals with plastic bag necklaces, turtles eating plastic bags, plastic bags hanging on swimming dolphins, birds wearing plastic bag hats, – it is sad, that our marine life has to suffer because people are too lazy or cheap to use reusable bags. I mean how would you like it if you had to wear a plastic bag choker all the time?
So- please think again before you go to the store, take your own bags, recycle your old bags and save some money and the environment!
Thank you
I have been collecting all the plastic bags from my friends & family who do not use cloth bags and have been cutting them into strips & then knitting them into very durable reusable bags which I plan to return to them all as part of their Christmas gifts. I am hoping they will like them & use them instead of continuing just getting more plastic bags!